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Our Conservation

We try to contribute to efforts other specialists are making either locally or around our British Isles. From 2022 until the end of 2023 we have supported two main charities. The Seal Project and Ghost Fishing UK. Through the support of our client and our own efforts we have either raised money for them, or found our ways to contribute to their efforts. In 2024 we are swapping one of the charities out for another important effort. We'd love to continue to expand the number of charities that we support but simply cannot right now, so by maintaining a focus on our efforts we can be targeted and productive!

Make a difference?

Whether you choose to support these charities directly or through us, they will always need the support of money or volunteers. Visit the websites through the links to the left to find out more about how you can help.

Information and Links

We continue to support the Seal Project in Brixham. Through their efforts they have increased the level of awareness for a local visiting populations of Seals. They run education initiatives with schools and continue to act as the "go to" team for seals locally.

With over 90% of the UK Sea Grass meadows now gone, we need to focus on these amazing plants. The benefits of having these plants growing in our seas and oceans around the world cannot be understated. Home to marine life, carbon lockers, and nurseries to many young creatures, Sea Grass needs to be saved, helped, and protected!

The work still goes on, and needs your support. By reclaiming discarded trawler nets they not only save the lives of many marine species, but also support an ecosystem of commercial businesses that have evolved to recycle this wasted equipment.

While we no longer directly provide funds to them, they still need huge support, because they make a difference.

Charity Support

The Seal Project

New for 2024!

Wild Plant Trust (Sea Grass Project)

Ghost Fishing UK

Sea-Life Conservation Tours

Wildlife Sea Safaris - Ethical, conservation orientated, WiSe trained and SeaWatch Foundation recomended. Operating off the coast of South Devon, from Brixham.

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