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  • Can you guarantee that we will see wildlife?

    The answer to this is no. While we will do everything to make sure you stand the best chance of seeing wildlife like Dolphins we cannot guarantee it. Simply, this is nature. We are visiting these animals in their environment, and we have to let them choose to visit us. We do not throw food over the side to encourage them, and we do not chase animals in the water.

  • What is the Wise Scheme and why is this important?

    The Wise scheme is a training program for all those wishing to work with nature in the sea. It is a strict set of guidelines that are backed up by prosecutable laws that instruct operators on how to behave around wildlife. All our guides and skippers have ben accredited with Wise.

  • Will we get wet?

    It is highly probable that you will get wet. Either from Sea Spry, some light rain, or even from a Dolphin when they exhale! Rain don't stop us from going out either as it doesn't really effect the animals we are going our to see. Bring a coat/waterproof in case!

  • What if my trip gets cancelled by you?

    This may happen if the Skipper feels the weather conditions are not good for safety. The other reason it may get cancelled is if we do not have the minimum number to take the boat out. In both these cases we will work with you to find an alternative date that meets your needs or offer you a value voucher to use to rebook.

  • What happens if I need to cancel my trip with you?

    We clearly state in our terms a cancellation policy. The details are as follows:
    In the event that you need to cancel the trip, we will apply the following conditions:

    • Over seven (7) days before trip - 100% Refund
    • Between seven (7) and three (3) days before trip - 50% Refund
    • Less than three (3) days before the trip - 0% refund

    In all cases where you request a refund (where we do not cancel the trip), there will be an administration charge of 5% of the order value canceled.

    Please note that it is possible to transfer the booking to another person, or accept a voucher for the trip that can be used up to one calendar year from the date of issue.

  • Do you offer discounts?

    We do have a standard family discount which is two (2) adults and two (2) children.

    Children are counted as under fifteen (15) years of age.

    We also have a whole boat discount, which means you can hire the entire boat for the trip, no other passengers aside from your party, the guide and the skipper.

  • Dogs?

    We appreciate that a dog is as much a part of the family as the humans. But we have taken a decision that unless the dog is an assistance dog, we cannot allow them on board. The reason for this is that dogs can get stressed onboard and exhibit different behaviour to how they are normally. This can be a risk to other passengers on the boat, or indeed themselves.

    If you have an assistance dog, we strongly recommend that you have a dog life preserver.

  • Insurance?

    All our boats are fully insured. When you step on the boat you are directly covered by the insurance the boat carries for this purpose. You must at all time listen to and carry out any instructions that are given by the skipper to you.

  • What should I bring?

    • The trip is four hours long. Bring items for comfort (raincoat, fleece etc) Layers you can put on and take off.
    • A pair of binoculars if you have them.
    • Food and snacks
    • Your camera

  • Footwear - Important

    Our skippers need you to be comfortable and safe. While, in the summer, it is tempting to wear flip-flops and open-toed shoes, we must insist that you wear closed toe shoes with grip. The skipper may not let you board the boat if you do not have safe footwear.

    The deck can become slippery when wet, you will receive a safety briefing before setting sail too.

Sea-Life Conservation Tours

Wildlife Sea Safaris - Ethical, conservation orientated, WiSe trained and SeaWatch Foundation recomended. Operating off the coast of South Devon, from Brixham.

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