Wildlife In Danger

If you have discovered or seen an animal in danger out that has died and you want to know what to do and who to call. Please see below for information.

When you find...

Seals in distress or dead


Seal Project


Seal Group Trust

Important: Remember that if you see a seal that is hauled out of the water, it may not be distressed or dead. Do not approach the seal under any circumstances, if you have a dog, make sure it's on a lead, and if possible return it to your car, or have a partner take it away from the area. If the dog starts barking this will distress a seal, and cause it to move away.

If you wanted to know more about seals in Devon contact The Seal Project, if you are in Cornwall contact the Cornish Seal Group. If you think the animal is in distress contact the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR).

Whale or Dolphin - Stranded or Dead


British Divers Marine Life Rescue


Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme

ALIVE - Important: If you find a cetacean that is still alive, please do not approach it. Call the BDMLR immediately. Please keep other people away from the animal while you are calling. You will receive instructions from the expert on the hotline.

DO NOT under any circumstances touch the animal.

Helpful identification information: Click Here

DEAD - Important: DO NOT touch the animal, it may carry disease. Moving the animal before directed or reported my also disturb valuable evidence of how the animal died. Be prepared to take pictures to email to CSIP. Find something that is a recognisable size that can be place near the animal (if juvenile or calf) to give a size comparison. For example a bag that you know the size of.

Further information can be found by clicking here

Sea-Life Conservation Tours

Wildlife Sea Safaris - Ethical, conservation orientated, WiSe trained and SeaWatch Foundation recomended. Operating off the coast of South Devon, from Brixham.

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